I like them because they look like cookies, but a bite out of them reveal their brownie like taste and texture. Nice!!! It's crunchy on the outside, soft and chocolatey on the inside. It also is quite easy to make and takes about 10mins only in the oven. Quick, easy and yummy! What more do you want? These was my Mum's best seller and I probably have baked thousands of them already. Once I baked them and gave the lot as a gift to my friend's birthday party without asking permission from my hubby and daughter who adores these crinkles. They have never forgiven me that day and I had to make another batch just so they would speak to me again! lol
Anyway here is the recipe, enjoy and don't forget you can't use cheap cocoa powder! This makes or breaks a cake (or cookie on this instance).
Ingredients (Makes 30-36)
3/4 cup vegetable oil
4 medium to large eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cup cocoa powder
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
about a cup of confectioners sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare 2 baking sheets. In a bowl, combine all the liquid ingredients and beat until well combined. In another bowl, combine all dry ingredients except confectioners sugar and mix. Make a well in the center and pour the liquid mixture. This is the fun and hard part of the job, take off all your jewelries and using your clean hands, knead this mixture until combined. You cannot use any utensils here as the mixture turns heavy when mixed. Knead until everything is well combined. Take a scoop of dough (preferably use an ice cream scooper) and form the dough into a ball by rolling each between the palm of your hands. Roll in confectioners sugar then put on the baking sheet with an inch apart.
Bake until cookie breaks on top (about 10 mins or so). Don't overbake, center should still be soft.